Online Training

“Amazonian Plant Medicine Integration Therapy Course”

With psychologist, plant medicine apprentice, Speaker and Retreat Leader
Paulina Pozo

After 7 years of being given in Spanish, for the first time for English speakers

Embrace the wisdom of plant medicine path as a powerful therapeutic tool for suffering and the thirst for self-knowledge in the West.


Go deeper into the wonderful potential of working with Amazonian Vegetalismo in dialogue with transpersonal psychotherapy, building bridges that nourish your practice as a professional integrating experiences with entheogenic plant medicine

«Master plants are more than a wonderful therapeutic tool: they are also a door to Mystery: they are both ‘a healer and a teacher’, as the ancient wisdom traditions of Indo-America have taught us. To access both levels, those of us who accompany the integration of experiences with these medicines need to know the language of the personal mind and also the transcendent language, and be open to learn how these master plants act in our self and the self of our clients. This course is a roadmap for that purpose. Beyond healing our symptoms, master plants can guide us back to our inner home”.

Paulina Pozo

In this program with the apprentice of Plant medicine, psychologist and lover of mystical paths, Paulina Pozo, you’ll experience a bold, pioneer,  transdisciplinary and heart-warming perspective on what it means to be a therapist who works with plant medicine integration. 

Paulina herself knows well that plant medicine can be a portal to healing and liberation. Going her own path with ayahuasca for the last 14 years, and accompanying others on the same path, She has witnessed and participated in the transformation of numerous people through building a relationship with amazonian medicine.

In this vocational affirmation course, you will dive deeply into a transcultural, transpersonal, and grateful view, aware of the benefits and the risks of ayahuasca and vegetalism (medical system of the upper Peruvian Amazon), designed and felt for Western professionals who are making their journey in the accompaniment of integration of experiences with master plants.

Paulina is a Clinical psychologist and a transpersonal psychotherapist, specialized in Assisted Psychotherapy with Psychoactivating Techniques. Her field of work and study is the interface between Indo American Ancestral Medicines, Mental Health and psychospiritual development, as well as the integration of experiences in Expanded States of Consciousness in psychotherapy. 

In 2010, at the age of 25, having recently graduated as a psychologist, she went to live in the Peruvian Amazon, beginning her journey with master plants, working as clinical coordinator of the prestigious Takiwasi center. Since then, her personal and family life, her spiritual path and her vocation have been linked to master plants in general and ayahuasca in particular.

She currently co-directs retreats in the Amazon and conducts private psychotherapeutic practice. Co- founder of the School of Psychotherapy and Vegetalismo, she created in 2018 the training ´Psychotherapy, Plant Medicine and Integration´, which has  7 editions in Spanish, having trained numerous professionals, and for the first time it has been available to the English-speaking public.

¡You are welcome to embrace this opportunity and join us in the path of embodied plant medicine work!

During this enriching online course, you will:

Understand the essential elements of the interface between amazonian plant medicine, vegetalism and psychotherapy

Learn a transcultural perspective, respectful of ancestral knowledge and its techniques of consciousness modification

Know clinical criteria on the work with master plants in psychotherapy, considering potentials and risks

Learn a model for psychotherapeutic integration of master plant experiences, based on 14 years of clinical experience

Be initiated into a line of training with various options for academic and therapeutic deepening

You will be able to go deeper into the understanding and integration of your own experiences with plant medicine, as reported by many of the students of this course in previous years

During this transformative course, Paulina will guide you through the main cross-cultural challenges of working with master plants, complementing the clinical and transpersonal perspective with a cross-cultural worldview, based on her roots as a mestiza woman and her experience as a resident in the Amazon and Europe.

In addition to linking physical territories, Paulina masterfully creates bridges between subtle territories, such as the daily functioning of the personal mind and how this functioning interacts with the transpersonal experience, or the so-called «other world» of ancestral knowledge traditions. 

From psychopathology to mystical experience, going through shamanic states, the broad spectrum of consciousness in relation to  plant medicine its is addressed in this course. 

An icaro (sacred medicine song) from the Ayahuasca ritual of an Amazonian doctor who works with Paulina, says: «Ayahuasca, ayahuasca runa, I take you with all my heart, teach me the sacred science with devotion, to share it with humility, for the good of my brothers and sisters». This is what you will find in this course: a deep commitment to accompany the development of human potential, in alliance with the master plants, in order to co-create a loving world, at a time when it’s needed most. 

If you’re ready to take your rightful place in a community of plant medicines servants, joining us in this transformative and heart-opening course.

“Our interspecies relationship with  plant medicine is called to become an alliance for our deepest evolution. We can find there a portal to real wisdom, not only a wonderful way of healing, but also a legitimate path of transformational and embodied spirituality. This talk is an invitation and a map to avoid kidnapping this potential and reduce it to the use of a substance, or to the figure of a psychedelic fairy godmother, who fulfills the wishes of our neurosis. Grounded plant medicine is possible and necessary,  maybe today more than ever. In the wave of the excitement about psychedelic renaissance, the humble and powerful voice of the earth is whispering to us through the plants and mushrooms: “all healing becomes service”. Let’s see together some  challenges and  guidelines in this direction,  from a transpersonal and transcultural perspective”


Featured testimonials

“I loved this course. It was a complete experience and, at the same time, all the basic so that someone who is not a psychologist like me could follow it completely.

I think that what you are doing is super necessary. I have been working for 2 years on my project that began as a need to help complicated people after a psychedelic experience and little by little it is transforming into a platform to expand the message and build those bridges that we talk about in class. The course not only gave me a lot of concrete learning for my practice of supporting people, but it was also a great inspiration, a caress to the soul. It fills my heart to find people who do what you do in such a professional and, at the same time, warm way. It touched me so much that I have decided to make “Chakaruna” ("Bridge Man") my topic of discussion in the conference that I will give soon at a congress in Holland. Thank you”
Andrés Rose
CEO of, Portugal.
"Regarding the course "master plants, psychotherapy and integration" it was a very good decision to have taken it. I was very grateful and pleased with the content and the form of what was shared. Many things remain in me still resonating, reflecting and moving inside to continue working and integrating not only in my professional practice but also in my humanity. I am very motivated to continue deepening and learning from this perspective that Paulina showed us. And I also feel a sense of hope and deep responsibility as I once again evoke the themes of the course. Thank you very much for sharing your path with such impeccability, I hope to have the opportunity to train with you again. A hug!"
Florencia Albanese
Psychologist and plant medicine practicioner, Argentina
Course Sessions Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific

This course will feature video teachings and interactive live Q&A sessions with Paulina. Each lesson will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete understanding of the concepts, principles and tools.

Module 1

"So much more than psychedelia: Amazonian ancestral medicine and western mental health: a bridge between worldviews"

In this initial session, Paulina will establish a firm foundation of cross-cultural elements that will then illuminate our understanding throughout the more clinical modules of the course. Her years of experience living and working in the Peruvian Amazon before settling in Europe, enables her to understand Amazonian vegetalism from the inside, and to put it in dialogue with the Western mind, mapping the lights and shadows of this encounter, as well as the intersections and differences of working with ancestral plant medicine in the psychedelic therapy setting. 

In this session, you will found this topics: 

  • Class 1. Mapping our field of study: Transpersonal and transcultural considerations working with ancestral medicines in times of the «Psychedelic Renaissance  | «Worldview and transversal elements of the so-called «shamanic societies”. 
  • Class 2: The Western Seeker in Wonderland: Shamanic Romanticism and the Myth of the Noble Savage | Mapping potentials and challenges of the encounter between vegetalism and Western psychotherapy 
  • Class 3: Amazonian “Vegetalismo”: Ancestral medical system of the upper Peruvian Amazon. Worldview and the 3 major technologies of consciousness in Peruvian Amazonian medicine: Ayahuasca, diet, purging and internal relationships.
Module 2

Therapeutic relationship and ethical guidelines in the field of plant medicine therapeutic integration

In this second session, you will find one of the most unique proposals of this course: an in-depth look at the transformations of the therapeutic bond when working with master plants and psychotherapy. 

Often, when we think of integration we think of the content of experiences in expanded states of consciousness and all the symbolic and transformative potential they offer. Including and transcending this aspect, Paulina invites us to turn our gaze not only to the content of the experience, but also to the container: the therapeutic relationship and its characteristics. 

Through her own concepts, such as «shaman transference» or «integrative contextual safety», strongly grounded on a psychotherapist’s view, Paulina guides us through the main challenges, transformations and potentials that occur in the unexplored field of the therapist-patient-plant relationship. 

In this session, you’ll know:

  • “Mi client saw me in his ceremony”: Considerations about double binding , the challenge of facilitating plant medicine ceremonies and doing the integration process. 
  • “The transference of the Shaman”: Particularities of the therapeutic relationship in expanded states of consciousness induced by plant medicine
  • “Plant Medicine Family”: The role of projection and emotional needs on the approach to master plants
  • Map of relationships: Facilitators, psychotherapists, integration couches and all the “in between” possibilities.
  • Sex, power and money in the processes with plant medicine: naming the shadow.
  • Therapeutic ethics criteria in working with Master Plants and integration psychotherapy.
Module 3

"Development perspective, personality and clinical psychopathology in therapeutic integration processes with plant medicine”

In this session, we are moving from transcultural and vincular elements to go directly to the integration of the content of the experiences in expanded states of consciousness induced by master plants.

In this module Paulina addresses another fundamental topic for an integration therapist: the hermeneutics of the experiences with plant medicine. The impossibility of not interpreting, which also includes sublime experiences, makes the understanding of the interpretative process fundamental. The level of our moral development (or «how strong is our self-referentiality») and the structure of our personality, among other elements, have an influence on how we interpret experiences with plant medicine in one way and not in another. 

In addition to this wonderful contribution, Paulina continues this module with the main considerations to work with people with some of the most frequent mental health challenges. Mood symptoms, depressive states, anxiety and trauma information in working plant medicine discussed in this module. 

“Addictions, psychotherapy and plant medicine” is a unique class included in this module, hosted by psychologist Jaime Torres, director of Takiwasi center, a worldwide reference place in working with ancestral Amazonian medicine. In this clase, Jaime exposed the core elements of Takiwasi approach to have the amazing outcomes that the have shown for over 30 years. 

In this this session, you’ll learn about these topics: 

  • Evolutionary perspective: states of consciousness and stages of development in therapeutic integration: A necessary distinction
  • Personality as a relevant element of interpretation in integration processes
Module 4

From the therapeutic experience to the entheogenic realm: the ingestion of master plants as a path of spiritual development

There are many icaros (medicines sacred songs) that talk about Ayhuasca two functions. In these songs, we can hear “Cúranos ayahuasca doctorcita” (which means “heal us ayahuasca, beloved doctor”) and then “Enséñame a ver más allá, Madre Ayahuasca” (which means “teach me to see further, Mother Ayahuasca”. These lines correspond to the archetype of the plant as a healer and as a spiritual teacher, respectively. 

In all Amazonian medicine – including all the master plants, not only ayahuasca – we find this double function: healer and teacher. 

Going further than therapeutic effects, In this module, Paulina guides us in a passionate and profound way, through what she has called «Ayahuasca’s contemplative face». 

“We often approach to plant medicine seeking emotional or physical healing, but the line between the therapeutic and the transcendent is very thin…. and who of us can put doors to the ocean? This spiritual dimension that ayahuasca can, sometimes, open for us, is an experience pregnant with deepest transpersonal transformation potential and it is important to have an open mind and maps available to receive the gift of perceiving, with strength and clarity, our relationship with transcendent realms. It will be only a moment, but with the right guidance and attitude, these experiences becomes a compass that guides us back to our original nature.»

In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • The intake of master plants as a path to consciousness and spiritual development
  • How to relate with transpersonal experiences in plant medicine ceremonies, in order to stimulate my own spiritual development and the spiritual path of my clients. 
  • You will know the principal challenges along the way working with entheogenic states induces by plant medicine.
  • Transpersonal psychopathology: The Pre-Personal/Trans-Personal Fallacy, Spiritual ByPass, Ego inflation, Spiritual materialism, Guruism and other false shortcuts.
Module 5

"Model for psychotherapeutic integration of master plant experiences"

After guiding us to the doors of mystery opened by plant medicine in the previous session, in this module Paulina went back to her clinical psychologist chair, and shared with us her “Amazonian Plant Medicine Integration Therapy Model”.

In this last session Paulina masterfully articulates her 14 years of experience in this field in a model of therapeutic integration, which articulates everything seen in the previous session: a transcultural base, the importance of therapeutic relationship, the characteristics of participants in psychological and development terms, the immanent and transcendent dimension of plant medicine action, among other important considerations, are translated into guidelines, maps, concrete actions, step by step advices, consideration in protocols, and so on.

In this class, Paulina organize and structure her knowledge, translating it into her therapeutic model of work, showing a high expertise in “knowing how” to prevent and respond to different challenges along the way, exposing her proposal through numerous real clinical cases. 

Even when the topics of this session could go a lot deeper and become a training by itself (and it probably will in the future!), this first approach of 2 hours it will bring you a lot of precious and useful consideration to improve your service as a professional working with plant medicine integration.

In this final session, you’ll found:

  • Presentation of “Amazonian Plant Medicine Integration Therapy Model”
  • A clear and operational definition of integration from a transcultural perspective. 
  • The 3 stages of integration processes: Before, durant and after plant medicine intake.
  • The 3 contexts of integration processes: Personal, familiar and cultural. 
  • The 3 bodies in integration processes: Physical, Psychical and energetic body
  • Integration for processes in the 3 axes of Amazonian vegetalism: Purge, diet and ayahuasca.
  • A deeper immersion in therapeutic integration of experiences with ayahuasca for mestizos and Westerners.

The Course Bonus Collection

In addition to Paulina’s transformative 14 hours virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with valuable contributions from worldwide referent teachers to complement the training and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Ayahuasca y menstruación: Un audio inédito sobre la experiencia de paulina guiando retiros de mujeres desde 2018 y su aprendizaje respecto a la relacion entre ayahuasca y menstruación.

Addictions and Plant Medicine

Exclusive video class with Jaime Torres and Paulina Pozo

In this powerful teaching, we will be visiting the central elements to take into account when working with clients with addictions and master plants, in a way that only deep experience can offer.

Jaime is an amazonian Psychologist, universitary teacher and executive director of the prestigious healing house and research center "Takiwasi", in the upper peruvian amazon, worldwide reference place in the field of amazonian medicine and western mental health for over 30 years.

With the joy, humanity and professionalism that characterize him, Jaime shares with us some of the central elements behind the work and success of Takiwasi in the treatment of addictions, in this class which is the first he has offered in any training outside of Takiwasi.

Therapeutic approach to spiritual emergencies caused by ayahuasca ceremonies and amazonian plant diets

Video Dialogue with Dr. Susana Bustos and Paulina Pozo, co- directors of the School of Psychotherapy and Vegetalismo

In this dialog between professional partners and friends, Paulina Pozo and Dr. Susana Bustos talks about the possibility of facing spiritual emergencies induced by amazonian plant medicine.

They share their thoughts on this topic as well as their personal experiences through their plant medicine journeys and the core elements to a safe and effective therapeutic approach to spiritual emergencies caused by ayahuasca ceremonies and master plant diets.

It is an honor to have this wonderful bonus with Susana, who has been on the path of ancestral Amazonian medicine for more than 20 years. She is also a well-known doctor in psychology, teacher and mentor of graduate students at the California Institute of Integral Studies, author of outstanding work in the field of shamanic chanting and co-author of several books on this subject, highlighting her contribution with the essay "Healing Icaros in Peruvian Vegetalismo" in the second edition of the prestigious book by Luna & White (2016) Ayahuasca Reader: Encounters with the sacred vine of the Amazon.

Susana was director of the US Spiritual Emergencies Network between 2016 and 2020, which gives her extensive experience and authority on this topic, which is shared in a masterful way in this class, full of warmth and feminine complicity .In 2019, she co-founded the School of Psychotherapy and Vegetalismo, in partnership with Paulina.

Exclusive video class “Biomedical variables in screening and dialogue with allopathic medicine” With guest professor. Dr. Alex Tornvall

In this unpublished class we directly include the main biomedical considerations to take into account in the work with master plants from the point of view of allopathic medicine, embodied in Dr. Alex Tornvall, who is a surgeon specialised in mental health, with extensive experience in the intermediary bridge between ancestral Amazonian medicine and western medicine. Alex is the doctor in charge of the therapeutic processes that Paulina and her team offer in the Peruvian Amazon, Pucallpa, in alliance with ancestral plant doctors.

This class is a jewel for every doctor interested in the work with master plants and a valuable content for all those who are thinking of entering this world.

What Graduates of Paulina’s Courses Are Saying…

“I loved this course. It was a complete experience and, at the same time, all the basic so that someone who is not a psychologist like me could follow it completely.

I think that what you are doing is super necessary. I have been working for 2 years on my project that began as a need to help complicated people after a psychedelic experience and little by little it is transforming into a platform to expand the message and build those bridges that we talk about in class. The course not only gave me a lot of concrete learning for my practice of supporting people, but it was also a great inspiration, a caress to the soul. It fills my heart to find people who do what you do in such a professional and, at the same time, warm way. It touched me so much that I have decided to make “Chakaruna” ("Bridge Man") my topic of discussion in the conference that I will give soon at a congress in Holland. Thank you”
Andrés Rose
CEO of, Portugal.
"I really enjoyed participating in the Master Plants, Psychotherapy and Integration course. It helped me a lot in the organization and deepening of many learnings about the subject - that Paulina in a very organized and didactic way transmits with her teaching and experience. As a therapist, I have already experienced important challenges in this path, and spaces for the exchange of knowledge and teaching such as this one are fundamental for the construction of ethical, serious and mainly conscious works of the complexity and commitment that this path and work demand"
Karla Perdigao
Psychologist and expert on Amazonian Ancestral Medicine, Brazil
"Regarding the course "master plants, psychotherapy and integration" it was a very good decision to have taken it. I was very grateful and pleased with the content and the form of what was shared. Many things remain in me still resonating, reflecting and moving inside to continue working and integrating not only in my professional practice but also in my humanity. I am very motivated to continue deepening and learning from this perspective that Paulina showed us. And I also feel a sense of hope and deep responsibility as I once again evoke the themes of the course. Thank you very much for sharing your path with such impeccability, I hope to have the opportunity to train with you again. A hug!"
Florencia Albanese
Psychologist, Argentina
“It has been an excellent course, it has allowed me to professionally strengthen several concepts, which have given more form and security to the professional approach that I carry out with my patients. It has also allowed me to understand several dynamics that have occurred in my personal process towards my link with medicinal plants and their environment. It gave me more structures, clarity and seriousness in the service I perform as a doctor, as a companion in “Yagé” ceremonies, and as a patient, allowing me to integrate several concepts that I had in my mind, but about which I did not feel safe or structured enough. It has planted in me so much more love and respect for plant medicine, which leads me to assume greater responsibility as a physician in the way I do my work, and as a patient in the way I assume the flow of my process. It has re-seeded in me the excitement of studying and reinforcing many concepts related to my profession and the new ones to learn. I feel very grateful for all the information because everything has been so clear and professional that I feel admiration and I feel inspired by you.”
Catalina Munar
Physician, surgeon, companion in Ayahuasca ceremonies and integrative therapist. Colombia.
“I liked it very much, it has totally exceeded my expectations. I realized that the psychotherapy-vegetalism intersection is much larger than I thought, that it has many edges and each of them can be delved into and gone into detail. I feel that each module was like seeing one side of this, and in which we entered and looked and it made me want to learn much more about each one. Therefore, I still understood the concept of “introductory course”. I was very motivated to go deeper.

It has been significant for me to understand the responsibility that comes with being in the position of someone who is integrating experiences with plant medicine, whether as a facilitator, therapist, space holder, etc. And all the areas that are important to take into account, and try to cover in some way. I also especially loved the theme of spiritual emergencies. Thank you so much!"
Verónica Cárcamo
Physician, Surgeon, Chile
"I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the course "Master Plants, Psychotherapy and Integration". As a human being, as a psychologist in training, and as a “mestizo” in the concrete jungle, it seems to me that approaches and framings of this type are indispensable in today's times. This course acquired for me a ritual quality, since it operates as an interface through which two different realities are brought together in a precise manner, functioning as a "hinge" between the ordinary Western world and the traditional “shamanic” world, it manages to build a coherent bridge between visions that are often in contrast with each other. This course manages, in a constructive and associative way, to bring together the precise meaning of all these themes from these different worldviews, it brings them down to earth in a practical, subtle and effective way, so that they unfold naturally in the light of consciousness. My most sincere thanks."
Miguel Varela
Psychology student, Chile
“What has been most significant are the tools that the course has given me to assimilate my own process, which is actually the basic fertile material to be able to accompany processes of other beings.

My only suggestion is: do it longer. I definitely want to continue training in this line. I also want to share that you, Paulina, and the other teachers, were super clear to me, willing and loving. The truth is that I am very happy, grateful and enthusiastic about this course. Happy heart and brain. Thank you.”
Julieta Chula Yuchak
Ancestral medicine facilitator, Argentina
"Hi Paulina! I am very grateful to you for allowing me to participate in the course. I really appreciate the serious and orderly way in which you structured it. Your slow words and clear ideas allowed me to accompany you in the way you were spinning all the content. For me, the course was a real delight. It's hard to explain (even to myself) how this impacts me. What I feel is vital energy that is ignited, I am passionate and my deep desire to continue learning is intensified. At this moment in life nothing else gives me that feeling. The course has awakened in me a great interest and even fascination of wanting to continue deepening and healing by the hand of plant medicine and the therapeutic integration process that im currently going through. I am very motivated by the desire to continue in the training spaces that you are offering, and I sincerely hope that life at some point will be kind enough to make us meet in person. A big hug from Costa Rica. Lucy."
Lucía Piedra
Health Care Professional, Costa Rica
"It was a very good idea to take the course, even though I am not a therapist, it has helped me a lot in my research goal, about ayahuasca and traditional Amazonian medicine. The psychotherapeutic approach makes the subject more digestible for mestizos like me, who do not belong to traditional cultures. In addition, the study group made good level comments and you were willing to answer all the questions and tell us part of your experience as clinical director in the prestigious Takiwasi house and with “ayahuasquero maestro” Ronald Rivera. Thank you very much! Until a new opportunity!"
Claudio Durán
Traditional Amazonian Medicine Researcher, Perú
"In general terms, the experience lived, and the knowledge acquired during the course was a process of demystification and confirmation of a series of aspects that have been very present since the first contact with sacred plants, especially with Ayahuasca. Myths related to the true scope, effects and, in particular, the link between the use of this type of plants in psychotherapeutic processes were dispelled. I confirmed, above all, that the sacred plants are a sort of key that opens doors to unknown worlds that inhabit the many blind spots that belong to me and to which I have found it very difficult to gain access by other methods. In this sense, it is worth mentioning that despite the enormous benefits of this "key", it is not an end itself, but rather a means, which together with a therapeutic process can create the basis for a deep healing. Last but not least, the course allowed me to become aware that even though I do not practice my profession as a psychologist in a clinical way, these types of courses nurture an ancient calling around expanded states of consciousness and its application as a means of self-discovery, which could eventually be put at the service of others for their benefit. Thank you"
Humberto Granados
Costa Rica
"A long time ago my professional and vocational path had a lot of questions. On more than one occasion, I have felt that the ways of perceiving suffering, what is human and what surrounds us in the world, is related only in a rational and explanatory way, where much deeper ways of perceiving, as a result of our neoliberal modernity, are devalued. Thus, within this questioning and wanting to integrate a conscious way of relating, I have searched for people, places, plants, among others, that resonate with a way that makes sense to me, that is how I came to this course. In this one, I saw reflected my real interest: ancestral wisdom, plants, and consciousness, intertwined with the rigorousness of academic information, which allows us to gather concepts that give a harmonious descent to understand and open understandings. My experience was very satisfying, and I was left with an inner joy of feeling a kind of "calling" to follow this integrative vision, or as you also pointed out: to be a "bridge” between two worlds. Thank you very much for appearing on the path of my vocation. You are very talented. Thank you, hugs."
Paula Maldonado
Psychologist, Chile
"For me, this experience ended up reminding me that the path of the mind and ego can be a very dark path, full of fears and above all, very lonely... It reminds me that we always have a choice in how to walk this human experience: from the dark solitude of our mind or from the illuminated torch of the heart. I feel that many times we drown in the problems and ghosts generated by the ego, and these instances of communion, like this course, helps to illuminate that darkness, and to find support in a community that is open to service. I also resonated a lot with the feminine energy of the course, which gave me a sense of safety and security in seeing older women, who I am sure are full of wisdom to give to the world. This makes me feel at home, and that I am planting and learning in a safe place. Thank you very much for the opportunity and I hope with all my heart to be able to continue participating in these instances that we need to continue cultivating”
Agustina Cardenas
Physiotherapist, Chile

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven Class Sessions with Paulina Pozo, with a total of 13 hours of high quality content

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from intermedicinal therapist and teacher Paulina Pozo, from the comfort of your own home. The video class sessions will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Q & A Group Sessions: 2 interactive live meetings with Paulina of 90 minutes

In addition to the recorded classes with high quality material created by Paulina, you will get 2 live meetings of 90 minutes to ask your questions directly to Paulina, also benefiting from the possibility of sharing in community with peers with similar interests, all of which helps the integration of what has been studied, favours the human network and meaningful learning.

The meetings in 2024 will be held on Mondays, at 7:00 pm, Madrid time, on the following dates: April 1, May 6, June 3, June 1, July 1, September 2, October 7, November 4 and December 2. 

To participate in the enriching live meetings with Paulina you must choose the 2 dates that suit you best -within a period of 6 months after your purchase- and communicate them to

Amazonian plant medicine integration therapy course Bonus Collection

“Addictions and Plant Medicine”: Exclusive video class with Jaime Torres, executive director of the prestigious healing house and research center «Takiwasi», worldwide reference place in the field of amazonian medicine and western mental health for over 30 years. 

“Therapeutic approach to spiritual emergencies caused by ayahuasca ceremonies and amazonian plant diets”: Video Dialogue with Dr. Susana Bustos, world reference woman in the work with entheogenic medicine, renowned author, teacher, Phd researcher and Paulina’s partner in the direction of the School of Psychotherapy and Vegetalism.

“Biomedical variables in screening and dialogue with allopathic medicine”: Exclusive video class with guest professor. Dr. Alex Tornvall, surgeon and mental health specialist with extensive experience in Amazonian ancestral medicine, one of the closest Paulina’s “plant’s friend” and crucial figure as medical responsible for the retreats she organizes annually in the Peruvian Amazon.

Enjoy all this rich knowledge about integration of experiences with entheogenic medicine in the guidance of Paulina and the wonderful guests of this course, all of them pioneers human beings who have been living and learning for years directly in the Amazon jungle, linking that deep knowledge and experiences to their western professional maps and tools. This is the soul of this course, which after having been forged and improved over 6 Spanish editions, it is now for the first time available in English in this unprecedented opportunity.

Will you join us to immerse yourself in the entheogenic medicine of the Amazon?

Register now!

You can participate in 2 ways

3 Payments of 170€

A total of 510€

You will choose the 3 payments in the checkout process

1 Payment of 450€

60€ discount

Discount will be applied at checkout

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t  love Amazonian Plant Medicine Integration Therapy Course — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form on or before 14 days after your purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

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About Paulina Pozo

Mirabai Starr is an award-winning author of creative nonfiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. She taught Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos for 20 years, and now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and interspiritual dialogue. A certified bereavement counselor, Mirabai helps mourners harness the transformational power of loss.

Mirabai’s book, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the Best Books of 2019 by Spirituality & Practice. It’s essential reading for anyone ready to awaken the feminine mystic within and birth her loving, creative, and untamed power into the world.

Mirabai has received critical acclaim for her revolutionary new translations of John of the Cross’ Dark Night of the Soul and Teresa of Avila’s The Interior Castle. She is author of the poetry collection Mother of God Similar to Fire, a collaboration with iconographer William Hart McNichols, and the award-winning book God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The transparency of her journey through grief in her memoir, Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation, is a gift to those who are struggling with unimaginable losses.

Answers to your questions

You will receive a total of 17 hours of high value recorded lessons, with English subtitles and slides in English. You can ask your questions on each video, you can participate in 2 one and a half hour live meetings with Paulina and access the private support and community group for this course. In addition, by participating in this course you will immediately gain access to preferential values and places in the next academical and therapeutical proposals of Paulina and the School of Psychotherapy and Vegetalism.

This is the first English edition of this training, which already has 7 editions in Spanish. The audio is in Spanish, with English subtitles and slides in English. Numerous english-speaking professionals have participated in our testing and technical adjustment editions and have reported benefiting perfectly from the valuable content of this course in the provided format. The content of this course is based, in part, on Amazonian ancestral wisdom, created by a South American mixed-race professional woman, in the language in which she can express herself most profoundly and accurately. We are sure that, as a lover of South American entheogenic medicine, you won’t mind making the little effort to read the subtitles so that you can access this knowledge in the language in which it was created. Not everything good happens in the north of the world and in English, right?

Of course you can and your questions are welcome. Although the lessons in this course are recorded, student-teacher interaction is very important to us, as a crucial element for meaningful learning. 

You can ask your questions about the lessons at the bottom of each video, and they will be answered directly by Paulina within 48 working hours.


Yes. We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a partial scholarship, please write to us to

We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 14 days after your purchase. To request a refund, please write to us to  Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. (No refund requests accepted after 14 days from the purchase date or with scholarship awards.)

The different presentation formats of this course are designed to connect with each other. So, you can start with the training today, with immediate access, and we will let you know when our annual live event is held, then you can participate in that event by paying only the difference in price. Isn’t it great? You don’t have to choose, you don’t lose money and you dont regret: Recorded and live options complement and enrich each other.

Yes, every month we offer a live meeting of variable duration, depending on the number of students, where we answer the questions of the participants. You can participate twice, on the date that suits you best. So, you have 3 hours of live interaction with Paulina included.

The School of Psychotherapy and Vegetalism, of which Psy.Paulina Pozo and Dr. Susana Bustos are co-founders. At the end of the course, you will be able to request a certificate of participation.

If you are really into entheogenic plant medicine path,  you are invited to jump outside the screen and coming to the Amazonian jungle with us. The course can be linked to our annual retreat for personal self knowledge with entheogenic plant medicine in the Peruvian Amazon, which has been running for 6 years, with excellent feedback from all participants. Please note that participating in the retreats involves a medical and psychological application process, which may result in an acceptance or rejection of your application to this initiatory journey, regardless of your participation in our course. There is no other consistent way to create a therapeutic model that integrates the principles that this course teaches.

Yes, despite the depth of the contents, due to its duration this course does not accredit you as a psychotherapist, so you can participate without previous training requirements. Although most of the students of these last years are mental health professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors) and master plant facilitators, every year also anthropologists, botanists, agronomists, as well as people looking for information from reliable sources about the work with master plants as a therapeutic possibility for their sufferings or those of their loved ones participate. 

As one of the participants of the 6th edition said «I loved the course. It was complete and at the same time all the basics so that someone who is not a psychologist, like me, could follow it completely».

At the School of Psychotherapy and Vegetalism we generate an ecosystem of training possibilities in the field of psychotherapy and plant medicine, all of them connected to each other and based on our transversal values. You can start first with our shorter courses (like this one), check the quality, the warmth and the differentiating elements of our proposal in this field, and then you can join our longer and deeper training (which we are currently working on) having already cultivated enough trust towards our proposal and counting on us to take care of the economic investment that you make in your education with us. The course «Amazonian plant medicine integration therapy» and all the courses of our school imply financial discounts on the value of our accredited training in Psychotherapy of integration of experiences with Plant Medicine, the starting date of which we will publish soon.

This course is available immediately upon enrolment. I remind you that, in addition to the recorded classes, you will have a live session with the creator of the training, and the possibility of joining the live online version of the deepening course at a preferential price.

This training is oriented towards Psychotherapy of integration of experiences with plant medicine. Therefore, it incorporates elements specific to the process of integrative psychotherapy, such as the therapeutic bond in expanded states of consciousness, ethical guidelines for the challenges of bonding in this field, dialogue between psychological and transcendental aspects, among other elements that are rarely addressed in other curricula. Another differentiating aspect is that we approach it from the point of view of ancestral Amazonian medicine (peruvian vegetalism in particular) as an integral medical system, observing its internal logics, as well as its tools (master plants) and we put this knowledge in dialogue with Western psychotherapy as a body of knowledge. It is not just about «psychedelics» from a western biomedical logic, but about a dialogue between worldviews, from which to look at the use of master plants for mental health and psycho-spiritual development.

Both the content and the structure of this training are based on transversal values such as the care for the relationship in its broadest expression (the care for the link with the knowledge we transmit, with the ways of generating this knowledge, with the students, and so on), respect for transculturality, the explicit incorporation of the spiritual dimension – without euphemisms to name it -, warmth and work on a human scale, both in the quantity of the material produced and in the quality, as well as in the rhythms and productive tempos. Human, feminine and organic rhythms. We seek to bring the ancient wisdom we speak of into our creative processes, generating integrity in our academic praxis.

You can participate in the various in-depth courses of the School of Psycho-vegetalism, as well as start the accredited training in Psychotherapy of Integration of Experiences with plant medicine, whose starting date will be published soon (all the courses of our school imply discounts in the value of this training).

If you are already accompanying processes that involve therapeutic integration of experiences with plant medicine, you can apply for our Clinical Supervision groups. (

The recorded course has a duration of 17 hours, which you can distribute according to your possibilities. I suggest that you organise yourself to watch one module a week, and that you do so by taking notes on your doubts, inspirations and resonances.

Yes, from anywhere and at any time.

As long as the internet lasts.

You can watch the course at your own pace, according to your availability. I suggest studying one module per week, including lectures and suggested bibliography. This way, you will get the most out of the material.

Yes, we have divided the course into 3 parts to make it easier to purchase. You can buy the whole course in one payment for a preferential price, or you can buy it in 3 parts.

Still have questions?

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You can participate in 2 ways

3 Payments of 170€

A total of 510€

You will choose the 3 payments in the checkout process

1 Payment of 450€

60€ discount

Discount will be applied at checkout

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t  love Amazonian Plant Medicine Integration Therapy Course — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form on or before 14 days after your purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

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